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"Pile of Trash"

Reed (Texas) & Sabrena (California) /// Protecting the Pacific International Students /// Bahía Ballena, Costa Rica

1. What was one item you found on the beach that surprised you?

REED: One item that I found on the beach today that surprised me was probably not one specific item but the giant pile of trash that was left on the beach. It was beer cans, styrofoam plates, and cardboard, it was ridiculous.

SABRENA: Today, on the beach, I found multiple pieces of straws and styrofoam pieces. I think that these tiny pieces were used by people at cafes and that the small styrofoam pieces were just broken up over time.

2. What was one thing you learned from the film?

REED: One thing I learned from the film is about the yarn company. Those clothes looked sooo cool. I knew fleece was made from recycled bottles but I never made a connection between everything.

SABRENA: Something that I learned from the video is that these plastics can be reused and turned into something else much more beneficial.

3. Are you optimistic about the future?

REED: I watched the Steve Jobs life movie with Ashton Kutcher and he said "the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, do." And I think I'm crazy enough. I want to put the biggest "screw you" middle finger to the gas companies and just create a better world and help people and by helping the environment because that'll help them. So yeah, I'm kinda optimistic about the future because I'm crazy.

SABRENA: I am extremely optimistic about the future in regards to the fact that there are so many people that care about the oceans. I think that if more people were aware of this extreme situation before us that it would be more cared about.








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