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Jamaica /// "It's embarrassing when tourists pick up our garbage."


C2C Interview /// Kingston, Jamaica

Do you have a favorite childhood memory from the ocean?

The first big beach I ever when to was in St. Thomas and I climbed the big rocks and there was a beautiful view of the beach. You follow the river to the beach.

What is your relationship like now with the beach?

Well I love the ocean. I go to the ocean sometimes to meditate. Listen to the waves splash. I love the water. It’s the island you know so I have to love the water.

What are tourists' relationship like with the ocean?

I don’t think tourist litter… because they came from countries that have proper hygiene or garbage disposables. Sometimes the tourist themselves walk around and pick up garbage. That’s embarrassing. Can you imagine? It's embarrassing when tourists pick up our garbage.

What is Jamaican society's relationship like with the ocean?

Well what I would like to see happen in Jamaica is that we take better care of the beach… or the ocean I should say… you know… clean up the trash… no litering… we need to protect the ocean… much better. No plastics. We should keep the ocean friendly.

Do you think of tourism in Jamaica?

I don’t think tourist liter… because they came from countries that have proper hygiene or garbage disposables. Sometimes the tourist themselves walk around and pick up garbage. That’s embarrassing.

What do you think people can do to promote social good in Jamaica?

They should put things to collect garbage. In America… every garbage has its own bin. You got one for paper. One for garbage. One of plastic. One for can. One for bottle. You should have something like that here.

Do you want to say anything else?

I would just say that I am glad I met you guys…

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