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Jamaica /// "Tourism is one-side."


C2C Interviews /// Mandeville, Jamaica

Do you have a favorite childhood memory from the ocean?

I remember the first time and I went to the beach… It was in Montego Bay. I remember I was so excited about collecting the shells and back then there were so many shells. Right? And back then there were so many shells and you could get the big onces and bringn them back home and listen to the ocean and it was phenomenal. I remember that as a child… I used to love that.

Are there less shells now?

Yes… my shell-picking days are over.

Why is that?

Well there are a lot of tourists in the area and I think they pick them up and then also people who sell crafts. But sea shells are also had to find now because the destruction to the coral reefs… there are less shellfish now… and less shell fish mean less food for bigger fish or animals like octopus… so it is pretty sad.

What do you think the future is going to be like in Montego bay?

Tourism is one-side in Jamaica. I heard about community tourism the other day and I was really excited. Tourists being able to go into local homes and experience the real Jamaica… but to me this is just an idea… I really don’t see tourists and especially those who go to these all-inclusive resorts going out into the community. They aren’t encouraged to do that anyway. I think locals would like to meet tourists and interact with them but really foreigners just keep to themselves and their hotels and use our beaches to relax.

Do you have a message to tourists?

Yes! Jamaica is fun! We are nice people! It is a beautiful country! I would like to encourage everyone to mingle with us locals.

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